Join our Grassroots Movement for Prairie Dogs

People for the Prairie

The Prairie Dog Coalition (PDC) is an alliance of non-profits, scientists, advocates, and concerned citizens. We are here to empower organizations and individuals with conservation tools that protect prairie dogs, restore their ecosystems, and reduce human-wildlife conflict.

Previously housed within the Humane Society of the United States, the PDC is currently reforming and growing as a true coalition. Read more about our journey, goals, and collaboration below.

Love our work?

By supporting the Prairie Dog Coalition, you are making it possible for us to continue our work to preserve and restore native grasslands and improve the perception of prairie dogs.

By using the donate buttons on our site, your gift will go directly to our project funding!

Did you know that prairie dogs are the key to restoring America’s endangered grasslands?

Resources Here for You

Why Restore Prairie Dogs?

With so many species in need of conservation funding and attention, how can we focus on just one? Get started by exploring how interesting and ecologically important prairie dogs are to the Great Plains. No matter your learning style - browse articles, published research, films, podcasts, and more!

  • For Landowners

    Discover the benefits landowners can receive by keeping prairie dogs on their land and the tools at their reach to manage them effectively. Resources growing regularly!

  • For Agencies

    Local governments and wildlife agencies often bear the brunt of prairie dog conflicts. We can help you assess what tools can mitigate these conflicts without resorting to extermination.

  • For Activists

    From contacting your politicians and challenging developments to volunteering, activists have a profound role to play in wildlife conservation!


Sign up for a Prairie Dog Coexistence Clinic

Sign up for a Prairie Dog Coexistence Clinic •